Mission Statement:
"We steadily improve our processes and procedures in order to make our customers ecstatically happy while maintaining the dignity of our entire family of employees".

Past Seminars

JAN 12, 2013      (103)
ADVANCED PREFLIGHT – You don’t know What you don’t know
Albert Schnur – FAASTeam Program Manager FRG FSDO/Bob Lippman – Phd, A&P, IA

FEB 9, 2013

MAR 9, 2013     (104)
TAKEOFF & LANDINGS –  Why Pilots Get Into Trouble
Dean Marshall, AGI, FAASTeam Rep, COMM Pilot,

APRIL 13, 2013   (105)
MAYDAY – When is the right time to declare an emergency?
John M Cutcher, DPE, Navy, Airline, Corporate Pilot

APRIL 20, 2013
FAASTeam Safety Stand Down – Nationwide Focus on Aviation Safety
Albert Schnur – FAASTeam Program Manager FRG FSDO

MAY 11, 2013   (106)
AVIATION SAFETY – The Human Factors
Thomas Daly, MS, Director of Academic & Flight Training Program

JUN  8, 2013     (107)
CRM – Who is in charge.
Paul Hagarty –  Flight Safety Intl, FAA DPE, CFII, MEI

JUL 13, 2013      (108)
RUNWAY SAFETY – Leave your driving habits in the car
Joe Foresto– CFI, FAASTeam Rep, COMM Pilot

AUG 10, 2013    (109)
Gabe Nadasdy – Mid Island Instructor CFI, CFII

SEP 14, 2013      (110)
‘STARVED & EXHAUSTED’ – Preventing Fuel Related Accidents
Frank Scotto – FAASTeam Lead Rep E Region, CFII, MEI

OCT 12, 2013   (111)
NASA SPINOFFS – What have we learned?  What’s next?
JC Follender – PVT pilot & aviation enthusiast

NOV 9, 2013    (112)
POPULAR FARS – Did you know…..
David Jensen – CFII, ATP, Gold Seal CFI Chief Pilot HWV

DEC 14, 2013      (113)
THE DIGITAL COCKPIT – The virtues & limitations of various navigation products
Ron Kaplan – COMM pilot & USCGaux 014-06 mission pilot

JAN 11, 2014          (114)

The INs and OUTs of ADS-B – The new look of ATC

Frank Scotto – FAASTeam LRep, CFI/II MEI

FEB 8, 2014            (115)

HYPOXIA – The silent stalker

Gabe Nadasdy – MI Instructor CFI, CFII

MAR 8, 2014           (116)

RUNWAY INCURSIONS – Hotspots, comms, multi-processing

Wayne Johnson, ISP Twr contr, CFII

APR 12, 2014         (117)


Bill Korbel – Chief Meteorologist News12/WOR, IFR, Comm,

MAY 10, 2014         (118)

Loss of AC Control Avoidance

Joe Foresto CFI, FAASTeam Rep, COMM /  Eugene Kurzrok IFR

JUN 14 2014           (119)

FLIGHT PLANNING – Keys to a safe flight

Dean Marshall, AGI, FAASTeam Rep, COMM Pilot

JUL 12, 2014          (120)


Brian Barrett – Sgt/Cmd Off SCPD / Peter Martin – Dir T&S, F&R

AUG 9, 2014           (121)

Emergency Procedures – Essence of Prof in time of Emerg

Gabe Nadasdy – MI Instructor CFI, CFII

SEP 13, 2014          (122)

AIRSPACE – Center Control

Christopher Tucker – Veteran NY Center Controller, PVT

OCT 11, 2014         (123)

WEATHER – Fly smart

David Jensen – MI GM CFI  / Jeff Tongue & Melissa DiSpigna NWS Meteorol

NOV 8, 2014           (124)

LI AIRSPACE – Safety, history, and old airports on LI

JC Follender – PVT & aviation enthusiast

DEC 13, 2014         (125)


Ed Sosa – Supv NY Tracon Controller, CFI, CFII, MEI [Gold Seal], ATP

Jan 10, 2015       (126)


Bill Korbel – Chief Meteorologist News12

Feb 14, 2015    (127)


David Jensen, ATP, Gold Seal CFI, CFII

Mar 14, 2015    (128)


John Cutcher, ATP, DPE, CFII, Corporate Pilot

Apr 11, 2015    (129)


Frank Scotto – FAASTeam L Rep

May 9, 2015   (130)


Gabe Nadasdy, MIAS CFI, CFII, AF Trained

Jun 13, 2015 (131)


Lou Mancuso, Jr – President, MIAS

Jul 11, 2015  (132)


Hal Staniloff, IFR, Commercial Pilot

Aug 8, 2015 (133)


Sep 12, 2015


Christopher SanGiovanni – Director Ground Safety, Jet Blue Airways

Oct 10, 2015   (134)


Eric Sachs, Attorney at Law

Nov 14, 2015 (135)

Fall Break – Dec 12, 2015


Joe Foresto, FAASteam Rep, Commercial & Corporate Pilot

Jan 9, 2016     (136)
Russell Munson –  contributor Flying Magazine

Feb 13, 2016      (137)
Tom Daly–Dean of Aviation, Dowling College

Mar 12, 2016    (138)
FAA- Overseeing American Civil Aviation
Carmine Gallo – FAA E Region Administrator

Apr 9, 2016     (139)
SPRING FLYING – Kicking off the Rust
Eric Sachs –  Attorney at Law, Member Nat’l College for DUI Defense

May 14, 2016      (140)
NTSB – A chat on the back porch
John Goglia– Retired NTSB

Jun 11, 2016    (141)
FORMATION FLYING – Flying with Discipline and Precision
Robert Mark – Formation Lead Pilot, NAA record holder

Jul 9, 2016     (142)
FLYING THE COMPASS – Taking your 172 Cross-Country
Barry Fell –  PVT, CG Aux, CAP, Plane owner and traveler

Aug 6, 2016  SUMMER BREAK

Sept 10, 2016      (143)
AEROBATICS plus – How this applies to everyday flying & accident avoidance
David Windmiller– US Unlimited Team Aerobatic pilot

Oct 8, 2016    (144)
ADS-B – The Ins & Outs, a shift to smarter technologies
Frank Scotto– Retired USAF & NYCPD Detective, FAA Safety Team for 16 years

Nov 12, 2016    (145)
Wayne Johnson– ISP Tower Controller

Dec 10, 2016    (146)
YOUR UPCOMING EMERGENCY – How well will you handle it?
Adam Rosenberg– ATP, DPE, CFI, Chief Flight Instructor, Director of Training

JAN 14, 2017  (147)                                                                                                                       AVIATION MEDICAL FOR GA PILOTS – should you be concerned                                Arnold D Panzer, MD – COMM helo, PVT IFR fixed wing, internal medicine, Senior Aviation Medical Examiner, Certified Medical Review Officer, Certified Medical Examiner for Commercial Motor vehicles

FEB 11, 2017 (148)                                                                                                                            VFR FLIGHT INTO IMC – a life-saving strategy to prevent disorientation and loss of control                                                                                                                                                John Cutcher, ATP, DPE, CFII, Navy, airline, corp pilot

 MAR 11, 2017  (149)                                                                                                           FOREFLIGHT – An Introduction to ForeFlight Mobile                                                        David Windmiller – A US Unlimited Team Aerobatic Pilot, SE, ME, CFI, CFI Rotorcraft, MEI, Land/Sea, Rotocraft, Glider, Turbo Prop/Jet, 18T+ hrs

APR 8, 2017 (150)                                                                                                                       WEATHER – Convection in the Spring, radar, forecasts and the pilot                                   Jeff Tongue – Meteorologist, National Weather Service, NYC WX Forecast Office, USAF 24 yrs [retired]      Bill Korbel – Chief Meteorologist News12/WOR, IFR, Comm, USAF 26 yrs [retired], editorial reviewer     AOPA Air Safety Foundation, contributing writer Exploring Earth & Space, . .

MAY 13, 2017   (151)                                                                                                                          SPRING FLYING – Knocking off the Dust                                                                                   Joe Foresto CFI, COMM Pilot, Former Airline Pilot, FS Liason for Runway Safety

JUN 10, 2017  (152)                                                                                                                              CENTER & TRACON – handling emergencies.                                                                       Christopher Tucker – Veteran NY Center Controller, PVT, NATCA and Air Redesign Proj Jeff Comeau – NY Tracon Controller, frontline manager, MEI rating, B17 time, aircraft owner

JUL 8, 2017  (153)                                                                                                                            FLYING & CINEMATOGRAPHY – The Best of the Best                                                                  Al Cerullo – Film pilot and coordinator, 35 yrs film exp 25T hrs, FW/H, ifr, com, Cfi/H, A&P S/M                                                                                                                                              Ken Solosky – Retired Chief Pilot NYPD & Newark Police, ATP, FW/H, CFI/H, AGI, IGI

AUG 12, 2017  (154)                                                                                                                               AOPA RUSTY PILOT  SEMINAR – Get back in the Left Seat

SEP 9, 2017     (155)                                                                                                                                   NTSB – Preventing Loss of Control in General Aviation: Lessons Learned from Accident Investigations.                                                                                                                                            Earl Weener – NTSB Board Member;    Luke Schiada – NTSB Eastern Region Deputy Chief;  Valerie Palazzolo – FAA National FAASTeam Manager;  David Kenny – AOPA Air Safety Institute Manager of Accident Analysis    NTSB Accident Investigators

OCT 14, 2017  (156)                                                                                                                                WINTER FLYING – Don’t be lured by good pilot reports                                                                Bill Korbel – Chief Meteorologist News12 Long Island, Aircraft owner, IFR, Comm, LTC USAF  [retired], editorial reviewer AOPA Air Safety Foundation, contributing writer Exploring Earth & Space, Instructor Flight Safety International

NOV 11, 2017  (157)                                                                                                                           SMALL UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS – Operations & Safety                                              Hal Staniloff – Private, Commercial, Instrument, Multi, AGI/IGI, Remote Pilot

DEC 9, 2017  (158)                                                                                                                                    PILOT FLOWN MISHAPS & MAINTENANCE MIRACLES in General Aviation or GA Incidents & Accidents  How They Happen and How To Prevent Them                                        Ben Struck, FAASTeam Program Manager for the Farmingdale FSDO
Dean Marshall, CFI, Lead FAASTeam Representative, Commercial Pilot

JAN 13, 2018  (159) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF AN AIRLINE PILOT – Adam Rosenberg, Major Airline Airbus Captain

FEB 10, 2018  (160) WRONG SURFACE LANDINGS – Joe Foresto Former Airline Pilot, Retired FAA Washington Headquarters Operations Inspector

MAR 10, 2018  (161) THREE STRIKES & YOU’RE OUT – Ken Solosky – Retired Chief Pilot NYPD & Newark Police

APR 14, 2018  (162) CHECKLISTS –John Cutcher, ATP, DPE, Navy, Airline, Corporate Pilot

MAY 12, 2018  (163) ADS-B – Ben Struck, FAASTeam PM for Farmingdale FSDO, Dean Marshall, CFI, Lead FAASTeam Rep, Mike Carey, ATP, ExpressJet, Rick Katterman, GM Islip Avionics

JUN 9, 2018  (164) X-WIND & OTHER PATTERN SAFETY TIPS – Lou Mancuso, Jr. – President MIAS

JUL 14, 2018  (165) TAXI GUIDANCE AND RUNWAY INCURSION PREVENTION – Wayne Johnson – ISP Tower controller

AUG 11, 2018  [SUMMER BREAK]   

SEP 8, 2018  (166) The #1 Pilot Fatality – David Windmiller – A US Unlimited Team Aerobatic Pilot

OCT 13, 2018  (167) The VMC Club – Radek Wyrzykowski – EAA Mgr Flight Proficiency, Master CFI

NOV 10, 2018  (168) WEATHER Paralysis by Analysis – Bill Korbel – Chief Meteorologist News12

DEC 8, 2018  (169) Pilot Flown Mishaps – Ben Struck, FAASTeam PM for Farmingdale FSDO, Dean Marshall, CFI, Lead FAASTeam Rep

JAN 12, 2019 (170)  COMPLIANCE – Aviation Lawyers Want You To Know This.         Kathy Yodice –Managing partner Yodice Associates Potomac MD, representing aviation legal interests

FEB 9, 2019 (171)  Is There Such A Thing As A Perfect Flight?                                           Adam Rosenberg, FAA DPE, Check Pilot, Major Airline Airbus Captain, 7 type ratings 34 yrs 21T hrs,  Reg Airline Fleet Mngr, former Airbus Test/Delivery pilot, 141 Chief FI, FAASTeam Lead Rep, A&P

MAR 9, 2019 (172) AVIATION RISK MANAGEMENT – US COAST GUARD Aux, Always Ready.   Pete Stauffer, USCG Aux, Michael Manfredo, Mario Ardizzone

APR 13, 2019 (173)  Runway Safety and Incursion Prevention:  The Art of the Taxi      Frank Scotto – Retired USAF & NYCPD Detective

MAY 11, 2019 (174) EQUIPMENT FAILURE – How to survive an in-flight emergency  David Windmiller – A US Unlimited Team Aerobatic Pilot

JUN 8, 2019 (175) ENTERPRISE DRONE OPERATIONS – Hobby vs Prosumer: Enterprise: Enforcement Ops.     Ken Kranz –Chief Technology Officer Cognizant Drone Venture, Mike Passaretti – ULC Robotics Manager

JULY 13, 2019 (176) WEATHER – Summer WX Patterns.       Bill Korbel – Chief Meteorologist News12, Seth Darling – ANG Meteorologist w 111 Attack Wing

SEP 14, 2019 (177) AVIATION RISK MANAGEMENT – US COAST GUARD Aux, Always Ready.  Charles Calabrese MD – USCG AUX Vice-Flotilla Commander Air Station ISP

OCT 12, 2019 (178) ALL ABOUT WINGS – The Safety Culture and Learning to say no..  FAA FAASTeam WINGs Pilot Proficiency Program – What it is and How it Works, the safety culture and reporting.   Mike Friel- Retired US Army Master Aviator/Instructor Pilot, Distinguished Flying Cross, E District CFI of the Year 2019, Wright Brother Master Pilot; Ben Struck, FAASTeam Program Manager Farmingdale FSDO

Nov 9, 2019 (179) EMERGENCIES – When things go Wrong.                                          Wayne Johnson – Retired ISP Tower Controller, CFI, Cherokee 6 owner

DEC 14, 2019 (180) Pilot Flown Mishaps & Maintenance Miracles in General Aviation  Ben Struck, FAASTeam Program MGR; Dean Marshall, FAASTeam Representative, CFI;  Sal Marinello, CFI,  Cirrus owner, Former USMC, SC AUX PD (Ret)

JAN 11, 2020

Loss of Aircraft Control – What have you done to Prevent LOC

  •  We need you and we want you to help spread the word
  •  48% of fatal accidents are caused by LOC
  •  Generally induced by a pilot – why? What can we do to stop this?
  • The major issues – take offs, approach to land, maneuvers, initial climb, are the deadliest
  •  What have YOU done, and what can you do, to prevent LOC accidents?

Joe Foresto CFI, COMM Pilot, Former Airline Pilot, Retired FAA Washington Headquarters Ops Inspector

FEB 8, 2020

AIRSPACE -Tracon Specifics & ADS-b Experience

  •   Airspace responsibilities – Tracon, Center, Towers & the GA Pilot
  •   Communications – clearance, departure, arrivals, & routings
  •   Radar Systems new & old – Fusion and other, along w affects of ADS-B
  •   Airport congestion below 17T and if pilot assistance is needed
  •   How it all comes together – Questions & answers

Carl Bluethgen – NY Tracon Air Traffic Controller at N90 for last 30 years, PVT, currently in the automation part of NYTRACON working on radar software  

 March 14th seminar cancelled due to Coronavirus Precautions

APR 11, 2020

FAA MEDICALS – How to Stop Worrying & Like Your AME

  • How to handle your medical and the FAA.
  • Are there changes in the regulations that affect you?
  • Common maladies – will any of these affect your certificate?
  • Medical certification involving unknown health issues.
  •  Your certification, questions & answers

Arnold D Panzer, MD – COMM Helo, PVT IFR fixed wing, internal medicine, Senior Aviation Medical Examiner, Certified Medical Review Officer, Certified Medical Examiner for Commercial Motor vehicles

MAY 9, 2020

PODCAST BOOMERS – Aviation Safety Aids

  • What are podcasts, podcast players and how they work?
  • How do they differ from radio?
  • What the heck is Patreon and who are/what are their patrons?
  • How do you subscribe and listen to a podcast, and how to find ones to match your skill level.
  • How does one give feedback to be aired on a subsequent show?
  • Finally what is the attraction and benefits to pilots of these podcasts?

Ken Kranz – PVT, COM Drone Operator, Chief Technology Officer Cognizant Drone Venture

JUNE 13, 2020


  • It is possible for a bad landing from a good approach, but impossible to make a good landing from a bad approach.
  • 5 steps: speed/height, look outside, end of runway, flare, power
  • Making stabilized approaches: speed, decent, trim, touchdown spot, flare
  • How to know where to look when you flare
  • Q&A, and look for possible Spot Landing contest in the Fall

David Windmiller – A US Unlimited Team Aerobatic Pilot, ATP, MEI, CFI, Light Sport to Business Jet, Turbo Prop, Helo, CFI Rotorcraft, Glider, Land/Sea, Test Pilot, 18K+ hrs

JULY 11, 2020

Aeronautical Decision Making – Do you know what you don’t know?

  • Do you have the information you need to make the best decisions?
  • How do you respond to changing circumstances?
  • Are you able to identify threats and mitigate the associated risks?
  • Are you aware of status of the “risk meter” during your flights?
  • Do you monitor the results of your actions and measure how your decisions affect your flight?
  • ADM is ALWAYS at play and drives your every action!

Mike Carey, ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI, x-Reg Pilot [ExpressJet], Type Rated LR-Jet/EMB-145

AUG 8, 2020 – Happy Summer

No Seminar

SEP 12, 2020

Patient Airlift Services- Safety is our First Priority

  • PALS Mission- Private pilots flying Patients and Vet
  • PALS safety culture:
  • Command Pilot and Mission Assistant Requirements
  • Pilot Requirements
  • Summary

Kirk Thorvaldsen – PALS Pilot Coordinator, IFR, ATP, Formerly Type rated in B-727, 737, 757, 767

OCT 10, 2020

Weather Computer Models – and the G.A. pilot

  • How pilots can access and use some weather computer models as part of preflight weather briefings
  • What they can find online
  • How to use and interpret it
  • Skew T-Diagrams and their usefulness
  • All made as simple as possible

Bill Korbel – Chief Meteorologist News12, IFR, Com, USAF 26 yrs [retired], editorial reviewer AOPA Air Safety Foundation, contributing writer Exploring Earth & Space.

NOV 14, 2020 

Threat & Error Management (TEM)

  • Threats, errors, and undesired aircraft states
  • How to identify and how to manage
  • State management vs threat and error management
  • Anticipated, unexpected, and latent threats
  • Questions and experiences

Justin Schlechter –Delta Captain, Boces graduate

DEC 12, 2020

Pilot Flown Mishaps – Planning, Precision & Coordination in General Aviation

  • Incidents & Accidents – how they happen and how to prevent them
  • Did you know this year we had several events: involving professional crews caused by poor maintenance practices / by lack of preflight planning / etc.
  • We’ll review a sampling of events this year
  • And talk about how NOT to become a statistic
  • PS: Possibly even a flyin from Santa!!

Ben Struck, FAASTeam Program Manager for the Farmingdale FSDO

Dean Marshall, CFI, Lead FAASTeam Representative, Commercial Pilot

January 9, 2021 Airline Style Threat and Error Management [TEM] for the GA Pilot

  • What are Threats in the Cockpit?
  • What are Errors in the Cockpit?
  • How do we manage Threats and Errors?
  • How do the Airlines teach Threat and Error Management (TEM)?
  • How can GA Pilots implement these techniques?

Justin Schlechter – A320 Captain, ATP, CFI-I, MEI, Commercial Engine Sea, 11,000+ hrs.

February 13, 2021 NYC IFR/VFR Operations – Building Your ATC Confidence

  • Understanding the difference between “The Class Bravo” and the “Controllers Airspace”
  • How to transition the NY Bravo VFR
  • Understanding IFR routes through/ around NYC
  • Airborne IFR pickups…
  • A few case studies

Toby Bucsescu – PVT, ATC Specialist, prior Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center, current NY Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) working LaGuardia Specialization, former DA40 owner.

To register, click:–qqjgtH93QO2Zjv8kra1joM4pcHF_c

March 13, 2021 Weather Operations– Understanding Airmasses and Fronts

  • Airmass Classification, modification, and characteristics
  • Fronts defined, discontinuities, types, and wx affects
  • Front types – cold vs. warm, and occluded
  • Cyclogenesis and dry lines.

Glenn Hausmann, ATP Pilot, CFII, CFIA, MEII, Dispatcher, Former Flight Safety International Examiner, 121 Regional Airline Pilot

April 10, 2021

Have you heard this before?  GA Aircraft Accident Causal Factors

  • What would you identify as a causal factor?  What are the mitigations?
  • Low altitude operations, avoiding mid-air collisions.
  • VFR to IMC – includes IFR rated pilots
  • Your input is important to your “flying team”

Joe Foresto ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI, AGI, FE, Former Airline Pilot, Rated in B727, G4, BE1900, SD3, EA500S, Int’l Flt Exp, FAA Washington Headquarters Ops Inspector

May 8, 2021

FAR COMPLIANCE – What the FAA & Aviation Lawyers Still Want You To Know

  • A New Normal? What’s new, what’s the same, and what you need to know.
  • What every pilot should know when questioned, top FAA Enforcement Actions.
  • FAA Ramp Checks & Requests for Reexamination – don’t fret, you got this.
  • Accident/Incident Reporting – what to say, or not say, and to who.
  • FAA’s Kinder Gentler Program – the good, the bad, the ugly, & ASRP data sharing at its best.

Kathy Yodice – PVT, IFR, Managing partner Yodice Associates Potomac MD, representing aviation legal interest over 30 years, served on AOPA’s Board of Aviation Medical Advisors

June 12, 2021

Calling All CFIs – Training from a DPE perspective

  • How to create a pilot and not an airplane driver. What you probably never learned.
  • Learning to use your most valuable resources, and be ready for any emergency.
  • The biggest screen in the airplane is the windshield, and the information the most valuable.
  • Your body is the most important and accurate gauge.
  • If your engine quits, what you really need to do.

David Windmiller – A US Unlimited Team Aerobatic Pilot, ATP, MEI, CFI, Light Sport to Business Jet, Turbo Prop, Helo, CFI Rotorcraft, Glider, Land/Sea, Test Pilot, 20K+ hrs

July 10, 2021

Aviation and Covid.

  • Where we have been…
  • Where we are now
  • And now where we are going
  • Nuances of the 8500 form in determining eligibility and certification, including special issuances.
  • It’s your responsibility

Arnold D Panzer, MD – COMM Helo, PVT IFR fixed wing, internal medicine, Senior Aviation Medical Examiner, Certified Medical Review Officer, Certified Medical Examiner for Commercial Motor vehicles

August 2021: Happy Summer! No Seminar

September 11, 2021

Hurricanes – Nature’s most violent storms

  • How do they form and how are they different than normal storms.
  • How vulnerable is Long Island?  What do we as pilots, need to know.
  • Reviewing past storms, such as the 1938 hurricane, can provide a glimpse of the kind of devastation future storms could bring.
  • How is this 2021 hurricane season going and what can we expect in the coming weeks and months?
  • What can airplane owners do to protect their planes?

Bill Korbel – Retired Chief Meteorologist News12, IFR, Com, USAF 26 yrs [retired], editorial reviewer AOPA Air Safety Foundation, Instructor Cirrus Pilot Proficiency Programs

October 9, 2021

A Day in the Life of an Accident Investigation – How the NTSB “Go Team” works

  • Walking through the response to a major aviation accident
  • Getting beyond the cause – investigative reasoning for safety issues
  • General aviation accident investigations
  • What should you do if you are involved?
  • A few case studies (Kobe Bryant, Asiana, etc.)

Leah D. Read – NTSB Regional Investigator in Charge, Sr Air Safety Investigator, IFR COM SEL MEL CFII

November 13, 2021

GA and the Unmanned ASRS

  • The FAA with NASA, has made significant changes to the Aviation Safety Reporting system
  • How does unmanned safety data affect the existing reporting system
  • NASA is raising the safety bar for UAS as they become integrated in the NAS
  • The FAA Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team continues to work to provide safety in the skies

Ken Kranz – PVT, COM Drone Operator, Chief Technology Officer Cognizant Drone Venture


December 11, 2021

MANAGING RUNWAY SAFETY and Wrong Surface Risks

  • Runway Incursions /Excursions – risk factors & mitigation
  • Wrong Surface Approaches & Landings

Identification of key threats, Accidents/Incidents & Analysis

  • Best Practices, Tools and References to Continue Improving
  • Q&A Discussion

Joe Foresto ATP, CFI, CFII, MEI, AGI, FE, Former Airline Pilot, Rated in B727, G4, BE1, 900, SD3, EA500S, Int’l Flt Exp, and Dean Marshall, CFI, COM, FAASTeam Lead Rep, active EMT Officer for PJ Volunteer Ambulance Service.

Updated:  2/28/2022

  © Mid Island Air Service, Inc.
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